What I experienced in my work with Ardythe was a substantive shift in energy, many blockages released, an enormous release of negative emotions of shame, fear, and guilt, and a sweet and tender lightness of being that stayed with me for several weeks.
— (EDS)
I remain surprised by how effective Energy Therapy really is and am so grateful to have found Ardythe. I leave every session amazed at how much better, more clearly directed and energized I feel than when I arrived. Working with her is the most therapeutic, enlightening, engaging, fascinating and fun ‘work’ I have ever done! Healer, guide and practitioner, Ardythe truly is the ‘Horse Whisperer’ of Energy.
— (BLS)
You were there for me in such a special way, providing Healing Touch sessions right from rehab to my discharge home. Your ability to hold the space for my emotions & your astounding intuitiveness and courageousness in asking appropriate questions was all immensely appreciated and so healing.
The comfort derived from the emotional & spiritual healing minimized my awareness of the pain.
— (AM)

I felt more relaxed and peaceful than I had for years. I had lost my mother and was having a difficult time letting go... My experience with Ardythe was a major breatkthrough and the beginning of my healing process.
— (SB)

The session helped relieve nausea. A sense of warmth came over me and seemed to concentrate in my stomach and almost immediately the nausea began to go away.
— (CM)

Thanks again for the session. The energy work definitely made an impact on me. My digestion and stomach are improved and improving. My energy, focus and clarity are improving although I’ve needed to rest extra these past couple of days. Creativity is soaring.
— ( RS)

About a year ago you helped me with an unbearable headache. Now, one week postop you did what you do so well…the tightness in my chest was gone and the pain was significantly less. This was the most wonderful experience I’ve ever had of this kind. I wish more people had the opportunity and that this service was available to others.
— (PW)