The human body is made up of an incredible human energy system, extending beyond the physical, integrating with our surroundings. There is a flow of universal energy feeding us, directing us, keeping us whole on many levels. Our consciousness is composed of a multilayered body of subtle energy that surrounds & permeates the physical body. When all frequencies are in harmony, there is a state of optimal health. A disruption in any one layer may result in dis-ease and illness. Energy Healing is any therapeutic technique that focuses on the ‘human energy field’, which is created through seven major energy centers. These centers (or chakras) originate near the physical spine & correspond to specific organs & the endocrine and nervous systems.

Hands-on Energy-Based Techniques:

  • Balance & align the energy field

  • Release blockages

  • Re-balance that which may not be in alignment with your highest purpose

  • Restore balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit

  • Stimulate & support the body’s natural self-healing ability


Schedule an appointment today with Ardythe Phillips:

Your heart knows the way - run in that direction. - Rumi

Your heart knows the way - run in that direction. - Rumi